Our Planet has seen the birth and lives of hundreds of Poets, Play writs,Philosophers, Social revolutionaries and Political leaders. After every great revolution, freedom struggle: birth of a new nation, people dream big changes.... the dreams of the communists, juvenile democracies vanes off in a couple of generations.....
Society becomes corrupt again........its real face comes out...
What these dogs savor in Nandigram (West Bengal,India) carnage? Roasted human meat!
Humans burnt alive! This is socialism !......struggle for ideology.....!
Did the religions change the world: Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism......?????
All religions preach great ideas of equality, kindness, love, peace....Every religion is born giving big hopes to its founders and followers.... Did they make any sustainable change in our society?
Why Marxism failed? How people are killed each other in the name of Marx and Marxism (Tianamen square massacre in China , mass murders in Stalinist Russia to Nandigram (West Bengal, India) )?
Arminian atrocities.....Why millions were murdered in the name of Christ.....? Why Christianity split into many parts which fight in between? Why Jews were hated and burnt alive?
Why 'believers' of Islam do Jihad? Probably religion is the number one killer after cardiovascular diseases and cancer!
Why Hitler killed Jews despite the fact that they had superior intellectual capacity! Indeed if you think and analyze without bias... it is easy to find that
Jewish contribution to science is very significant compared to the size of their population. Hitler also killed 'eugenics' by killing Jews.
Why many hate truth?
Only one thing can explain all these......selfishness of man...nothing else! Is selfishness bad? Not ! It is the most essential element for survival as one can learn from human history of survival ?
But how can re-engineer human behavior to 'make better humans' taming this necessary evil? Is it possible re-wire neuronal pathways .....build a whole new generation?
Who can do this?
Only SCIENCE can .......only science can 'fight' with selfishness.........for a better society....for a better State....without wars or boundaries... How?....Natural Evolution is a slow process...it takes thousands of years to act....and that too in which direction it will drive us is difficult to predict.....especially when we consider man as a social animal...especially because man hinders his own natural evolution and probably society drives it in a 'wrong' direction.....
Can a single human being make a difference?
Can he or she stop the forces of evil minds in their tracks? Can a courageous young man do it? Yes!.... in Utopia!!!
In real world how he can do? Can he do it? Yes! Alone?
Yeas! Yes! Yes!!!
How ?
Yes...by capturing the imagination of the world! Inspiring people around...finding like minds..Making a group believe his ideas...the group will grow....over nations....beyond silly political barriers ...into groups of science revolutionaries...Even Utopian dreams are realized when evolves into mass movement!
.......Activists armed with the modern tools of molecular biology, computer science, nano-technology......a genre of bio-engineers to create a new man kind!
Men are killed but not thoughts....
It is not about ruining the flavor of life...where babies are engineered and produced in factories and sold in supermarkets!
It is about better humans, peace,happiness, satisfaction being smart, loving and beautiful! It is about making your life and other's life a festival!
It is about optimization of thoughts, life and natural resources!
It is about making earth a better planet to live..............
Science is different from religion. Followers improve science......
Followers of religion misinterpret to achieve their selfish goals......they make the ideologies corrupt ...Priests to Jesus is our 'Marxist' leaders to Carl Marx or Lenin. we see this every day cross country!
Would like to know more?.......I am thinking to write a book....hope you would find many answers (and more questions!).
Would you like to offer me a helping hand in contributing new ideas, in research, managing men, aids? Please mail: sanal303@yahoo.co.uk
Created and maintained by Dr. Sanal MG , Special Center for Molecular Medicine